Quad My Next Quad


Well-Known Member
I just hope the JST connector on the VTX doesn't interfere with the installation. I happen to think about that and maybe it's no more than 4mm tall.


Staff member
It is lighter than I thought it would be with that MASSIVE STACK!!! Still under the FAA reg though.


Well-Known Member
Here is the maiden of my quad. The motors don't sound as they should. I have made changes as per Tony's suggestion. I will work with it more tomorrow.



Staff member
You should work with it now lol.

And what I suggested to him was to lower the D Gain first. to me, it sounds like a D Gain issue which can cause damage to the motors and ESC's if it's too high. If lowering the D Gain doesn't fix the sound, then to lower the P Gain down a bit. Just trying to play it safe with teh lowering of the D Gain.


Well-Known Member
I put the little 650 lipo on storage charge. When I came back into the house there was a strong smell of a circuit board burning. The XTparallel board burned out a trace on the balance plug.



Staff member
There shouldn't be that much current going through that trace. That looks to me like cell 3 (ground at the top) so I would be looking into that to find out what caused it. Once you find it, you can run a wire (motor wire that you have been using) to rebuild that trace.


Staff member
so what you are saying is, you are going to send me that one so that I can make a video on repairing it? NICE!!!


Staff member
Alligator clips? Paper clips? A nail the proper size? Where there's a will, there's a way!


Well-Known Member
I will try mounting the dvr on top as the connector for the vtx is interfering, just as I thought it would. I may have to send this one back and get the solder pad version.


Well-Known Member
So. I did some work on this thing. I can get the vtx to fit but the connector sticks up into the top plate. I'm thinking that's a recipe for disaster. I will go ahead and order the one with solder pads.

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