Off Topic Chit Chat


Staff member
There you go Randy, I have added the facebook page and two ads that will help the site (only if clicked on and something is purchased on each site) to help fill in the blank space.... Hoping to be adding more soon.


Staff member
Your getting a skirt for xmas this year then...

The ONLY thing that was even half way decent about the halftime show was the Intel Quads. That part was okay


Staff member
I only thought I was going to get out to the studio today to make some videos. My voice still sounds like crap. Waste of a perfectly warm day in Feb...


Wow just back after a little time away ...things have changed :biglaugh: I cant even find my old posts and my Gaui build... going to take me a little bit to get used to the new layout.


Staff member
Where were your old post located, do you remember? And do you remember what the title was? We are trying to get things working again, it's just going to take a little time.


Staff member
They just hit a water main in my back yard... I told you it wasn't worth getting out of bed....


Staff member
I'm going to do that myself.

So I just about cut the end of my little finger off on my left hand.... I have not bleed that much in a very long time. Solid trail of blood in my kitchen... Shouldn't have gotten out of bed today... Typing is a pain in the ass...


Thanks Tony... like to look of the new site but its gonna take a bit of time to get used to the new layout. I was used to locating my threads in or linked in my profile so had to fumble abit but no issue.

How the hell did you do that to the finger?


Staff member
Wife was having me cut up some raw sweet potatoes for dinner last night. Potato slipped, and knife went in. If it hadn't been for the knife being at an angle, it would have cut it straight off. It's just sore and irritating right now lol. But man, who knew so much blood could come from a finger lmao.

And yea, it will take a bit to get used to it, but trust me when I say, this software is much better!


Staff member
I already feel better, well better than I have lately. And I have had much worse cuts. Nothing that won't heal in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't get a good view of the partial eclipse tonight... but it didn't stop me from trying... :)


What caught me off guard... was how cool the after sunset looked on the other side of the sky...

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