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Active Member
Here you go Tony. Somewhere to do Manly Men things. This is not a studio but my man cave. Maybe this will get you motivated.View attachment 15305 Far left beyond the heli is my work bench. Where the helis are, is the staging area for repairs :eek1: 42" Tosbia TV " I use it also for the flight simulator." The far right, with half a screen is my computer. The little monitor in the middle is for my security cameras, 8 of them total. I can use the TV also for my security viewing and recording. Just in case anyone wants to vist without being asked. I finished this room up between Christmas and New year. If I didn't get it done the wife would of use it for some kind of womanly thing and I didn't want that to happen. You have to just "DO IT" I hope this gets you going. Use it or lose it.

nice area D.O.G.! Like the big wide and long bench areas!


Staff member
So I try to get some videos ready and the openpilot wiki is down... Guess I will scrap these videos...


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Wow, you can't even click on the Contact Us link... 404 error. I guess it's time to move on from openpilot because it has become "closedpilot" or "unavailablepilot"....


Staff member
Has anything good ever come out of a "Phone Interview"?... And this is for a large company.... Then there is the interview tomorrow at Starbucks and no, I didnt' apply at starbucks... I hate to say it, but it may be time to crawl back into a truck, just not my own truck and damn sure not with that same company... One that has a guarantee on what they will pay a week. Minimum. One of these days, something will go right in my life...


Active Member
Has anything good ever come out of a "Phone Interview"?... And this is for a large company.... Then there is the interview tomorrow at Starbucks and no, I didnt' apply at starbucks... I hate to say it, but it may be time to crawl back into a truck, just not my own truck and damn sure not with that same company... One that has a guarantee on what they will pay a week. Minimum. One of these days, something will go right in my life...

I'd say any interview is a good one.....they showed interest, and a follow up one in person is another plus!
It may be that they want to try and just be casual meeting at Starbucks, and it may mean they are a forward thinking company also! And just might mean a company that thinks outside the box....which can be a good thing!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Has anything good ever come out of a "Phone Interview"?... And this is for a large company.... Then there is the interview tomorrow at Starbucks and no, I didnt' apply at starbucks... I hate to say it, but it may be time to crawl back into a truck, just not my own truck and damn sure not with that same company... One that has a guarantee on what they will pay a week. Minimum. One of these days, something will go right in my life...

Hi Tony, I've been on both sides of phone interviews. They're a quick and cheap way to sort the initial candidates into a short list as often there are many applications. It also saves paying expenses for large numbers of people to go somewhere for the 1-2-1 interview stage. I've also been in a situation where we desperately needed someone on a project and it was a one-step process to get the guy. Mostly it depends upon the interviewer(s) putting forward the correct questions to focus in on the most important aspects of the job requirements.

Good luck!


Staff member
Did some research on this "starbucks" company. I think I will pass. Too much drug activity being reported.


Staff member
Tony yes good things do come from phone interviews. I had one on a Saturday that landed me 2 jobs in the same company. Unfortunately I could only accept one position. Good luck.


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I turned down that position to take another position. Really didn't want to become a mechanic again. I love working on cars, but not for a living.


Well-Known Member
I turned down that position to take another position. Really didn't want to become a mechanic again. I love working on cars, but not for a living.

Hi Tony, so does that mean that you're sorted with a better position? Less stress? More family time? More heli flying time, etc. etc.?


Staff member
Nope. 12 hour days, an hour from work (so 14 hour days) but it's not OTR. As far as I'm concerned, I will let my CDL go. That way I can never be pulled into it again. Just need to get my wife through school so I can go back. Wishful thinking...


Staff member
I should be home every night. Which is a bonus.

And it's the Pine64 campaign. It was started by one of the original Apple computer guys.


Well-Known Member
At least something positive out of it. Fingers crossed for you that something better comes your way in the near future!


Staff member
Just found out my $200 router decided to brick it's self. Did nothing to it. No botched firmware update, no power spike, it just died. They say bad luck can't last forever... I'm doubting that saying... I'm trying to scrounge the money just to keep the server live for another month (the other option fell through) and not sure if I'm going to make it. But I'm trying. Don't start orientation at this new place until next friday which does me no good now. So, selling lots of stuff on CL and ebay to try to make up for it. Kicking myself for taking that last position... Worst decision ever. If you guys (in the US) need anything, hit me up, I probably have it. I just need some cash.


Active Member
It's tough out there I know Tony. My wife has had a helliva time with jobs....and shes a nurse!
But she's over 50, and that seems to be the magic number for resumes to go to the bottom of the list!
She is stuck in home health care sector, has tried to get into a Dr office or clinic so that her hours would be more regular.
She just recently got a job taking care of older people but has to travel and drive this piece of :):):):) BMW all around, and that thing is a ticking time bomb for a breakdown. But I have to get my car paid off before we jump into another car payment first.
Most of the jobs out there pay crap! I guess I am lucky because I have been at this company I am at for 28 years and get paid decent there. most of the jobs I see pay around $10.00 an hour if your lucky. It's a sad situation. Makes me angry when they say "oh there are jobs out there....sure they are where one can barely keep their head above water, or pack into a house with 50 roommates. I guess it came true when Perot said we'd be "a nation selling burgers to each other" because thats getting to be the main stay of the economy. Service type jobs that don't pay diddly squat!
Ok rant over!
Good luck man!
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