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I'm going to guess here, but you are using an iphone? If so, this is a known issue on just about every bulletin board out there on the interwebz. I have looked for a solution and there seems to be none. I'm still looking though.

The only way I know of to get it to post correctly is put it on your computer, edit it with Paint or something (I use photoscape), save a second file (not just over the original) then upload it here from the computer. But again, I'm still looking for a better solution.


Well-Known Member
Still posts inverted... too tired to play with this for now will try again tomorrow, thanks DOG

Hi leedude1, see the picture below. I worked on it with Photoscape as recommended by Tony. I also have Photoshop, but Tony's recommendation for PhotoScape gave a good result with no cost and you can edit the photos very quickly. It took me about 3mins to do the whole thing from an original of my newly made transporter and its frame for holding it in my Suzuki.

Heli Transporter.jpg

Open PhotoScape, choose picture editing (12 O'clock position), navigate to your picture's location, open it up in PhotoScape, choose size/400px/save as and save it with another name. That should fix it for you. Of course if the picture opens in PhotoScape with the incorrect orientation, then rotate it until it's correct and then do the re-size. I think 400px makes a good size when uploading multiple pictures.

Good luck!

P.S. I took the original with my iPhone (sorry Tony) and E-mailed it to my AOL account to collect it later. I find that much better than connecting an adaptor to the PC, cheaper too!

Heli Transporter.jpg
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Staff member
Don't say sorry to me lol. There are some people that like the iphone. I like to play with my phones more than apple will let me do. Getting ready to really start playing with my old note 2 after I order my new cable.

Update: yesterday I went from my house where I was stuck all the way to Kansas to pick up a load (not getting paid the whole way), picked up my load in Kansas and drove down to I-40 in Arkansas where I had to stop for the night. Today, I get to drive all the way across Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and into Georgia where I get to stop on the west side of Atlanta to deliver tomorrow morning. Hopefully my agent has me another load lined up to head down to Alabama and pick up another GP load. Going to try and run hard for a while to get some money. Just found out I'm about two months behind on a few bills... Suck...


Well-Known Member
Don't say sorry to me lol. There are some people that like the iphone. I like to play with my phones more than apple will let me do. Getting ready to really start playing with my old note 2 after I order my new cable.

Update: yesterday I went from my house where I was stuck all the way to Kansas to pick up a load (not getting paid the whole way), picked up my load in Kansas and drove down to I-40 in Arkansas where I had to stop for the night. Today, I get to drive all the way across Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and into Georgia where I get to stop on the west side of Atlanta to deliver tomorrow morning. Hopefully my agent has me another load lined up to head down to Alabama and pick up another GP load. Going to try and run hard for a while to get some money. Just found out I'm about two months behind on a few bills... Suck...

Ah ha! There was I thinking that you're a dyed-in-the wool Android person. In that case the apology is mine. :biggrin-new:


Well hello folks. Sorry I haven't been on here for ages but have been very busy one way and another. Hope you are all living the dream:emohi:


Staff member
Just caught up (mostly) here on the forum and completely caught up on the RCH YouTube channel. Wow, that took forever. I was way behind!

But things are getting ready to change. I'm still sinking fast but going to try something a little different. Something has to work. I'm at the point where I just throw everything against the wall and something has to stick... It has to... I'm dying here....


Hey Tony,

One thing at a time sir one thing at a time. Remember though, you always need to put a little time aside for yourself every week even if its just an hour to get your head straight.


Staff member
And that is exactly what I'm looking at doing. But, have to make a major change in order to do it. One thing that my current position does, is keeps me from this website and the hobby that I love. If I make this change, and I will be making a call tomorrow, it should net me some more time every week. It's just extremely stressful at the moment.


Staff member
Sorry to say, not too well. Need to make some phone calls tomorrow and try to get a new gig. Too much getting screwed over at this company. And the sad thing is, it's not the company's fault, it's the agents that get our loads from the brokers. But, it's all the same network. So I need to find something that is more dependable.


Staff member
Did anyone realize that the RCH YT channel is over 2.3 million views? Holy crap, when did that happen????


Well-Known Member
Did anyone realize that the RCH YT channel is over 2.3 million views? Holy crap, when did that happen????

Hi Tony, don't know when but I've got a pretty good idea why. The Forum is extremely useful and the videos sit out there for people to benefit from for free and it's that simple.

Well done with your baby and fingers crossed you can sort things out. Shame you can't just make a living from the hobby you love so much!


Staff member
There is nothing I would love more than to have this be my full time gig. I have been home for a week now (holiday as well as other reasons) and the weather here has been horrible. And I'm sitting here looking at all of my helicopters and quads that want to fly... If anyone knows how I can make this my full time gig, I'm all ears (so to speak, ahem, type...).


Staff member
Depends on if my trailer is ready tomorrow. It was supposed to be ready today here in SoCal, but it wasn't. I will be waking up early and heading over there to check on it in the morning. So here's hoping.
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