OK then, I will wait for these to arrive. By profession I am a software engineer. I could not spare much time on weekdays for my projects ,so I works on weekends only, so meanwhile I will complete rest of the building
I know it is out of topic, but as you know I am a beginner and I really want to discuss few concepts about rc components to clearify my doubts.
I made my first rc plane (pirior to this V1) after watching experimental airlines Noob Tube video on you tube. I made it small about 23" wing size and put turnigy 1450KV motor, but it was unable to generate the required thrust. After adding all components its weight was about 560gm.
What I know:
1. Battery Amperage > ESC Amperage > Motor Max Amperage.
2. To increase Thrust go for lower KV motors. ( Thrust depends on KV or Wattage ?)
It would be very helpful, if you could help me to understand how to choose the motor.
My Doubts:
What are the basic things one should remember before joining main and tail wings? What if main wing is bit higher and tail wing is placed lower than that? Does it really matters?
According to video (Experimental Airlines) I bend my depron board for main wing and fixed everything as shown in video, but after completing my wing building I noticed that curve thickness of right main wing is more than left wing. What exactly happens when we try to fly plane with these kind of wings?