If you assign the bank mode selection to a two position switch it will work too, you just end up with two banks instead of three. Which is fine. You ave the DX9, though, so you'll be using a three position switch, so no worries. Can program the same setting into two banks if you want, or even all three.
I'd personally stick with the Ikon. It has an internal gov which is easy to setup. 7200BX now has a gov feature too, but requires you either get a new one with that firmware, or you need to update the firmware yourself, then you need to screw around with the same cabling issue. And I don't think anyone on here has ever setup a 7200BX with gov features so you'd be out of luck on getting help with that setup. At least on the ikon it is all visual in the setup app and there are a number of people here who can help you out.
Yeah, go with a basic and a sport bank mode. My guess is you'll end up using the sport mode most and may end up programming two sport modes, one default and one with a bit increased agility to try out the faster roll rates. Basic is a pretty sluggish setting. It would be great for a scale heli, but for sport flying it is a bit too dialed back. The 3D setting is crisp. The hardcore 3D setting is nuts. I'd not program a bank setting either of them until you are ready to progress. And remember, those are just pre-programmed default setting. Once you select one of them you can tweak settings to dial it up or back from there. You are not limited to just those four default settings.
Leveling. Yeah. You're going to have to prop up the skids to get the rotor disk level.