Official Phoenix Online Thread


Well-Known Member
ok ... I will grab my TX off the charger

Westy, great to meet you and Chris out on the sim field last night. I am really glad I found this nice and informative community. I'll get my sound system up and running before the next round. Holiday weekend is just a work day away, and the T-Rex 450XL wants to practice somewhere else than the living room. Maybe I can film a spool up and hoover to get some feedback on how you guys think it sounds and responds. My first heli bigger than the Blade uCPx. And I will always laugh now remembering your comment when I tossed that little bugger in the field last night.
Thanks, and Cheers!


hahaha .... great to meet you also and :welcome1:

re The little heli in that big field ....:biggrin1: that was hilarious ... how you were going to see that thing past 10 feet I will never know! hahahaha

see you on the airfield ... or in here of course!


Sorry guys .... missed you ... just got back from A & E ... got some meds for my Big fat thumb now...... took Waaay longer than I thought it would.
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