Official Phoenix Online Thread


awesome ... also ... I have a nice GOLBIN sound now !!!!! Uploading the how to on that also!!!!!

I guess I have too much time on my hands haha ..... oh ... and I heard back from IKON Developers RE My Adds Moves and Changes ..... sounds like they are going to implement some of my ideas.... especially around the Self level feature and software ideas!

Cool aye!

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Will just do a quick vid on how to make the changes to get the Warp setup!



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Online ... now!


Ah ok great! Thanks Slobberdog! Will get it now!

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updates downloading! should be done shortly!


Well-Known Member
anyone up for a bit of sim time, misses out so got to be here with my daughter so its sim or no flying, weather is lovely outside as well. allthough my eyes feel as if someone is trying to scratch them out, blooming hayfever, lol.
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