Official Phoenix Online Thread


Well-Known Member
I have a session started for a bit this morning before I leave for IRCHA!

I'm flying right now!


Well-Known Member
Well i'm gonna open a session up, but gonna be off and on a bit, if I see you in there i will try to get there quick.

- - - Updated - - -

want to try the new wireless set up I now got.


Well-Known Member
wellseen as mother nature is not playing ball, and is keeping on throwing us rubbish weather think more sim time is in order,

session open if anyone is up for it.


Well-Known Member
im online for a bit if anyoner wants to join me.

- - - Updated - - -

Well that was short lived, lappy decided it did not want to play, and I'm to tired to fight with it tonight


Staff member
Oh how I miss flying online! Hopefully I will have internet this weekend and I can get online and get some stick time. It's been 3 weeks and I'm going mad!


Staff member
I know where it is, I just can't reach it. It's the tools and spare parts that I have no idea where they are. I didn't unload them. Speaking of that, I have NO idea where my sim cable is for phoenix or where my controller is for RF6.5
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