Official Phoenix Online Thread


Well-Known Member
I have a flight session open if anyone wants to come fly

RC Help is the name
RCH is the password, in all caps

I've only got about 25 minutes before I have to get ready for work, so I won't be on for long. I am off work both tomorrow and Thursday, so I should be on the sim every now and then.


Well-Known Member
I'll be around later on today but this is my last day off this week. I'll be working Friday-Sunday, from 6pm-6am. I'll look for ya either later today or sometime next week.


got it just came in the door with my phoenix 4, so after i set it up i i will be able to pait the skys with all of you :listening_headphone

- - - Updated - - -

I thought there was a video for the phoenix and the dx7


Staff member
Not a video, but there is a sticky in this section where stokke shows step by step how to set it up with a DX7s, not a DX7.


Staff member
You will set these up in the throttle and pitch curve menu's. Make sure you know what switch they are assigned to.


Staff member
Oh wait. This is for phoenix. This is going to be pretty indepth because it's all done with a governor on the sim. Well, to get different head speeds that is. I will see if I can get a quick video for you on how to set them up if I can find the time this weekend.


Well-Known Member
I've got about 30 minutes or so. Anyone wanna come fly with me for a bit?

Flight Session opened!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a flight session open for about 30-40 minutes.

RC Help is the session name

RCH is the all caps.


Well-Known Member
Well, I can't focus anymore. it was a long night at work last night. If anyone is going to be online tomorrow night, I should be around.


Well-Known Member
OK, I have a flight session open and I'll be on it for the next hour.

Who wants to come fly/crash/laugh with me???
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