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Well-Known Member
Actually a second is a second. "leap seconds" are not used all the time. According to wiki, and I knew this but couldn't remember the number or the atom used, a second is: the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. So yes, a second is just a second. But they are long as FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 lmao

WTH.... Stop that, you making my brain hurt, just after I had switched it off for a couple of weeks you go and jump start it again.
Now I have to go drink more beer and it's all your fault. :)


Staff member
A second is a second, however ones perception of a second is variable based upon relativity and activity. In other words, quit watching the clock and go arrest someone and the day will go by quicker. :)


Staff member
Hell no, then the day will drag on even slower... Do you realize just how much paperwork there is when you hook someone up? lol. I think there is less paperwork to just shoot them...


Staff member
I would be writing a book to explain that lol. Maybe Gaba has a short answer. I don't at this time.


Staff member
It's a way to separate a computer network into segments that can't talk to each other. Think of it kinda like a tackle box with multiple compartments. It's all one big box with dividers in between to keep the sections separate.


Staff member
More specifically, it's taking a single IP address and using the subnet mask to split it up into multiple networks or hosts. The fun start with class A and Class B IP addresses. Class C is what most use with a subnet mask of Class B is and class A is Anywhere you see a 255, you can't change it, but you can change the others. Now, it's suggested to NOT have more than 500 networks on any given subnet (I think), but with A and B, you can have millions or over 16,000 respectively. But class C you can only have 254 because you can't use the first or last IP address of the sequence. Confused yet? I am lol. I'm sure I got something wrong up there, I'm just now trying to learn this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh, guys! Please don't take any offense to my next words....I am so sorry that I asked what subnetting was, lol. That is so very much beyond me and my mental capacity, lol. However, thank you for giving an explanation, even though I have no idea what you were talking about. We'll just say that "subnetting" is another reason that you are the forum owner and not me, lmao :rotflmao:


Staff member
Pfft... Gaba has passed these tests, I'm just now learning. Maybe I should just let gaba run the back end of this place lmao.


Well-Known Member
Gaba sounds like a good candidate for the job, lol. I'll just stand at the front door, passing out flyers, lol


Staff member
That might be better, at least for you Tony.

Well this is my last day off till Tuesday and wednesday. I need to get out and actually do something, this is my 3rd consecutive weekend of just sitting on my backside doing nothing. In a way I like it but hate it too. Anyhow just wasting away and getting windows 7 setup in a vm, so far so good.


Staff member
Unfortunately, everything that I'm learning, and gaba has passed, nothing will cross over to running a forum. A forum is more database administration, server administration, PHP and so on. Now, if I was to set up a hub here in Oklahoma, another one in texas, another one in Indiana and one in California, THEN this would all come into play because then I would need to network all of those hubs to a central server. But, RCH is no where near that big right now and I doubt will be any time soon. Only time will tell though.
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