Official Phoenix Online Thread


Went out Flying instead! 5 BAtteries ..... nice day for it .... wish I had some mates to fly with .....


Well-Known Member
A well you're forgiven as long as you got video.... If not i assure you i will prosecute to the full extent of rc pilot


Well-Known Member
Buy me one, I have less than 0 money at the moment. I'm praying that i don't crash anything, cause i can't afford to fix it just now. But fingers crossed, the situation may be changing soon. :D


Staff member
Here's hoping bro. I would send you everything you need, but I dont' think the parts I have would run phoenix let alone RealFlight. Might run Clearview, but doubt it.


I have probably got enough parts to build you a decent PC ..... you will just need a box, mouse, Key board and OS.


Staff member
You don't need no stinkin' box lmao. I have had computers hanging on the wall before lmao. Worked like a charm, and the cooling was GREAT hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tony/Westy,
Once i get some work in, i will buy a new External HD to back up my mac. Then i can do a clean instal of the OS and add Windows to bootcamp. Then we'll be "cooking with gas" :) and phoenix will be ON!!!! I also have RF 5 but not 6.


Well-Known Member
You could probably sell that at one of those so called art galleries for millions :D

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
Hi Derek, I had problems with my settings so i came off to try and fix it:( Heli was all over the place so i am trying to fix it. I will be on again tomorrow night unless it is dry and i will be maiden my 600:) Forecast is bad, we have had rain and high winds. It is 21.23 here now i will be on earlier tomorrow, hope to catch you then:)
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